Luigi Einaudi School
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In 1958, on the initiative of the mayor, Notary Gino Oddero, the new school building project in Piazza Ravinale began. In the past, school classrooms were often created in unsuitable environments.
In fact, school classrooms were created in the Antica Chiesa dei Battuti, dilapidated and unsafe and later demolished to make room for this school building and in other parish premises in Piazza Ravinale, then in the Palazzina Berzia, now home to the Municipal Enoteca and in the ground floor of the Town Hall.
We began to think about the construction of a new building as early as 1877, when the minister of public education of Alba, Michele Coppino, made primary school up to the age of 9 compulsory.
In 1912 the mayor Gustavo Castellazzo had proposed a grandiose project of construction of a large building for public schools, on the same level as the church, where there was the castle, in front of the parish church, completely eliminating the hill which today constitutes the belvedere of the castle.
The parish priest, Monsignor Falletti, contested the project, trying in every way to hinder the construction. The discussions between the two parties continued until 1915, when shortly before the start of the war the administration, having established that there was no other suitable place, finally managed to start the works, which stopped immediately on the eve of the laying of the first stone. After the war the problems to be faced were much more urgent and only in 1920 did the project take back control with the determination to complete it. The parish priest will contest it again and will propose a valid alternative, in Piazza Ravinale where in the meantime the Church of the Confraternita dei Battuti had collapsed, also making available an adjacent building owned by the parish rural fund. In practice, he had proposed building the school building right where it will be built, 40 years later. The school classrooms will still have an insufficient and precarious arrangement between the Palazzina Berzia and the Town Hall, until 1964, with the completion of the works for the construction of today's school in Piazza Ravinale and the definitive arrangement of the current building. Mayor Giovanni Berzia inaugurated the school building in 1964. Today it is intended for nursery school and lower secondary school.